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Event Series Trailblazers

Trailblazers Social Justice Focused Program

Family First Community Center: Makerspace 2

The Trailblazers program cultivates youth as they become empowered critical thinkers, driven by a deep sense of purpose. Trailblazers participants emerge as leaders as they explore the program’s four pillars. This program is hosted by Theresa Carter-Vincent and Marissa McDowell in Makerspace 2.

Pathways to College Success

A six-part BrightSpot Labs series for students in grades 8-12, focusing on personal growth, college planning, and scholarship readiness. Each workshop guides students through goal-setting, storytelling, college list building, and essay writing. Pre-register and pay at the front desk or register in advance on MyActiveCenter. $30 for all 6 classes or $8 a session/drop-in

$8 per session / $30 for all 6 classes

Let’s Eat With Addison!

Family First Community Center Demo Kitchen

Let's Eat! is a program to learn new ways to make a quick and easy meal, while keeping it healthy! This program is for teens who want to learn a […]

Event Series Gentle Yoga

Gentle Yoga

Family First Community Center: Dance Studio

Gentle flows for all bodies. A moment to unwind and develop skill. Beginner and Golden Yogi Friendly! Drop-ins are accepted.

Event Series Senior Storytelling

Senior Storytelling

Family First Community Center: Activities Lounge Quiet Room

The Senior Storytelling Program is designed to provide a meaningful, engaging, and creative outlet for senior participants. Through weekly one-hour sessions, participants will reflect on their life experiences, share stories, […]

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