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Pathways to College Success

A six-part BrightSpot Labs series for students in grades 8-12, focusing on personal growth, college planning, and scholarship readiness. Each workshop guides students through goal-setting, storytelling, college list building, and essay writing.

Pre-register and pay at the front desk or register in advance on MyActiveCenter.

$30 for all 6 classes or $8 a session/drop-in

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Program Goals

The goal of this program is to help students build self-awareness, set achievable goals, create compelling personal narratives, explore college options, develop a strong college list, and prepare winning scholarship and application essays. We’ll kick things off at the start of the workshop, so please try to arrive on time! The activities and discussions are key parts of the process, and we don’t want you to miss out on the fun and valuable insights.

Our Program Partner

This program is provided by our program partner, BrightSpot Labs!

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